Introducing Modern Korea Co.,Ltd.: MODERN is a symbol of best luck!

Code of Conduct

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1. Company mission

Help the clients with solutions, and they will help us sustain in the long term.

2. Purpose of the code of conduct

The code of conduct sets our guidelines and other procedures for the business with our partners, clients and end-users. We expect all of us at Modern Korea Co., Ltd. to take an ethical approach in the daily business activities. The code of conduct also applies to our performance of Health, Safety at work and Environment policy.

3. Compliance with laws

In the daily business activities, our employees are encouraged to act in compliance with laws. They shall not be forced or induced to act against laws in any circumstances.

4. Outline of unacceptable behaviors in the workplace

Taking credit for other’s hard work
Verbal harassment/Abuse
Sexual harassment
Socially excluding someone

5. Outline of internal practices recommended

Showing initiative without being told
Respect for other colleagues
Communicating effectively
Obeying the company’s rules and regulation

6. Dress code

Our employees are expected to dress in the company uniform unless the day’s tasks require otherwise.
Clothing with offensive or inappropriate designs or stamps are not allowed.
Clothing should not be too revealing.

7. Confidentiality

Our employees are required to effectively manage the handling, use, storage and disposal of confidential information acquired in their business with the partners and the clients.

8. Conflicts of interes

All potential conflicts of interest like family relation or other business relationship must be disclosed in a fully transparent manner.

9. Company and equipment use

All Company property including, but not limited to, desks, storage areas, work areas, lockers, file cabinets, computer systems, office telephones, cellular telephones, modems, facsimile machines, copying machines and vehicles must be used properly and maintained in good working order. Our employees who lose, steal, or misuse Company property may be personally liable for replacing or repairing the item.

10. Training requirements and guidelines

The company is responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace. The company should try to train in the safe way for employees to do their jobs well.

11. Anti-bribery and corruption

No employees may engage in any dishonest practice or any form of corruption. Corruption includes, but is not limited to, the giving or receiving of bribes, kickbacks or any other improper advantage in the context of a business relationship or transaction.


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